Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Top 15 of 2014

2015 is edging ever closer, so it's time for my Top 15 of the year. This list is subject to change, and most likely will.

Honorable Mentions: The Babadook, 22 Jump Street, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Noah, The LEGO Movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, John Wick

#15 - Godzilla

A monstrous reboot that is both bleak and thrilling.

#14 - Horns

A beautiful dark fantasy melded and twisted with caustic horror-comedy elements and a stellar Daniel Radcliffe performance.

#13 - Enemy

Cryptic yet entrancing, this tale of duality and unfaithfulness is unnerving thanks to a compelling performance by Jake Gyllenhaal.

#12 - Under The Skin

Weird, disturbing, and distinctly Lynchian, with a powerful message. It's also visually spellbinding and leaves you feeling emotionally numb.

#11 -Nightcrawler

Taxi Driver for the digital age, with a disquieting, ghoulish turn from Jake Gyllenhaal. Much like his character, I couldn't take my eyes off all the seedy goings-on.

#10 - Guardians of the Galaxy

One of Marvel's strangest, but also one of its best, highlighted by its diverse cast, irreverent attitude and killer fucking soundtrack.

#9 - The Guest

A not-so-subtle 80's homage to The Terminator and Prometheus anchored by Dan Stevens' standout performance and groovy soundtrack

#8 - Snowpiercer

Ambitious science fiction with a deep mythology and vitriolic class commentary, complimented by stunning set design and composition.

#7 - Dawn of the Planet of Apes

Potent, moving sci-fi with a captivating human-ape dichotomy, brought to life with some of the best special effects/mo-cap work I've ever witnessed.

#6 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Slam bang action meets 70's-style political thrills in one of Marvel's most mature and enthralling.

#5 - Blue Ruin

A riveting, stripped-down-to-the-bone revenge tale with imperfect human characters that had me unexpectedly mesmerized.

#4 - The Raid 2

Visceral, impeccably-choreographed fight scenes violently collide with a raw, powerful revenge tale. 

#3 - Edge of Tomorrow

This is the year of original sci-fi. An intriguing, creative time-travel mechanism and a stellar cast make this one of the best sci-fi films in the last 10 years.

#2 - Birdman

A technical marvel that unfolds as one unbroken take, packed with some of the most impressive acting ensembles in quite some time.

#1 - Interstellar

A masterpiece in every regard. Realistic science melds with a mindbending dimension-jumping storyline and a top-notch ensemble cast. It's a more-than-capable spiritual successor to 2001 as many hoped. Nolan continues to impress, as this one gets better with every subsequent viewing.

Top of 2012 / Top of 2013 / Top of 2015