Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sequels/Reboots That SHOULD Be Made

Hollywood loves sequels, prequels, remakes and reboots. Most recent remakes are completely unnecessary, allowing Hollywood to do minimal work yet still profit off of the established name (RoboCop 2014 anyone?). However, there are some franchises out there that are deserving of a sequel or reboot. Properties that have lots of potential for expansion given the right creative mind. The following is a list of sequels/reboots that SHOULD be made. Note: I will include directors/writers/actors I would want involved, if applicable.

#1 - The Thing 2

Possible alternate titles 
 The Thing: Assimilation, The Thing: Infection, The Thing: Pandemic

A proper sequel to this perfect film could be one of the most creative science-fiction films ever. Given the alien's shape-shifting ability, you could do so much with any number of potential premises.Youtube personality Rob Ager has put together a brilliant video detailing his ideas for a Thing sequel. I agree with all of his points, and have some of my own that I would love to see incorporated into a possible sequel. Firstly, I would like to see at least two scenes where the thing reaches a populated area and wreaks havoc by both assimilating lifeforms and directly attacking victims. I also want to see a thing that has at least three different imitation abilities based on the creatures/other aliens it has assimilated; i.e. a tentacle for impaling people, or being able to spit acid or release poisonous barbs or gases...basically mutations it can use as weapons. Think of all the different predatory abilities and defense mechanisms in the animal kingdom (or fictional alien worlds such as LV-426 or Pandora, etc.) and you can see how a creature that could replicate said capabilities would be a terrifying and formidable threat. Take a look at the images below, mostly from a cancelled video game sequel:

Dubbed "DragJaw." Hellhound would've been good too.

A Norris-like spider head (love the spinal column support) and a Torso scuttler

"SonicBeast" / Head Ripper

'Thing 2 Assimilation' by Mike Oakley

Both unnerving and strangely erotic because of the female form

This could represent any number of sexual fears,
 given its resemblance to both female and male genitalia
Alternate Norris Thing design

The "ClingerBeast" & the "Biobeast," my personal favorite.

Horrifying and disgusting, no? It's body horror at its finest. Take the three scariest animals or aliens or monsters you can think of and combine them into a creature that can perfectly imitate any living thing until it needs to viciously tear your face off while it disembowels you, but only before it absorbs and fuses with your body as it assimilates you. The worst part is that you remain alive and fully conscious, enduring excruciating pain after assimilation, but you can't fight back. You can only watch as this abomination stalks, slaughters and consumes every living thing in sight.

More ideas:
  • Combine with other fictional aliens like the Xenomorph, the Predator, Mimics from EoT, etc.
  • Sexual fears
  • Animal nature - it can't be reasoned with

#2 - Blade IV

Possible alternate titles 
 Blade: Eternal Night, Blade: Damnation, Blade IV: The Return of Whistler

The Blade series has always been a favorite of mine, even with the cinematic turd that was Blade: Trinity. The first two films are kinetic, bloody action-horror hybrids featuring stylish direction, impressive special effects and wild, violent action scenes. Trinity is a total letdown in almost every way imaginable, so to reboot the series with a proper sequel would be the perfect idea, rife with possibilities. Would you take Blade back to basics, or introduce a new setting? Would vampires be the primary villain, or would there be some other type of monstrosity like the Reapers? How about introducing a new Marvel character to fight alongside Blade, like The Punisher? What new weapons would Blade have as his disposal. These are all great ideas that, if handled properly, could result in a fantastic entry in the series.

The best idea though is still the one of the original Blade III script. After Blade II, I heard early rumors that the third film was going to take place in the future where vampires had openly taken over the entire planet, slowly hunting down the last remaining humans. Blade was still around slaying suckheads, but he’s fighting a losing battle.  However, like John Connor, he was a symbol of hope for the human resistance.  To me, that sounds awesome. It doesn’t rehash the same story, it opens things up for lots of cool new vampire mutations (and if you really want to get epic, other creatures of the horror genre such as werewolves, trolls, demons, etc), and in the end Blade would somehow find a cure and/or slay Dracula (which would cause every vampire to turn back to human).

#3 - Predator 3

Possible alternate titles 
 Predator 3: Annihilation, Predators: Declassified

Predator has been one of my favorite films since I was 10 years old. I loved everything about it, from the over-the-top weapons and cool Predator technology to the absolutely badass ensemble cast and "hunter becoming the hunted" concept. It truly is one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, and I still quote it regularly to this day, which is a testament to its greatness. "Dylan, you son-of-a-bitch!" *bicep shot* and "What's da matta?! Da CIA got you pushing too many pencils?!" are two of my personal faves. Anywho, I'm getting off-topic. For my full review, check out my Top 30 Films of All-Time post.

So you're probably saying "Predator 3? What about the other four movies in the franchise already?" Yes, I'm aware there have been two direct sequels (both very good) and two Alien vs. Predator spin-offs (both suck), but I feel that 20th Century Fox never fully developed the Predator universe like it should have. One could argue that more films aren't necessary and could turn out like Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection, thereby tarnishing the franchise's name. I wholeheartedly disagree! A worthy sequel that respects its predecessors and expands the Predator universe (technology, weapons, hierarchy, home planet, trophy rooms, etc) would reinvigorate the franchise, especially if it was helmed by someone who lives and breathes this stuff, like Guillermo del Toro or Neill Blomkamp.

More ideas:
  • Visit the Predator home world
  • Lots of cool new weapons in line with the currently known Predator tech
  • Instead of hunting humans, I want to see the Predator's hunting other alien species, such as The Thing or the Mimics for EoT

#4 - Dredd II

Possible alternate titles 
 Marshal Law, The Rise of the Dark Judges

I will always remember September 2012 as the month I lost a lot of faith in my fellow moviegoers. For you see, Dredd was released on September 21st, 2012 and was one of the most exciting, potent, violent and visually stunning films I'd ever seen. It's a smart, well-cast survival story set in a vile, deteriorating future punctuated by intense, bloody action scenes. Unfortunately, it proceeded to bomb pretty hard, much to my dismay. It gained a strong and vocal cult following, and there remains a smidgen of hope that a sequel will get produced, possibly via something like Kickstarter. Before I get into my ideas for a potential sequel(s), let's talk about what should NOT change:

  1. Obviously, keep Karl Urban as Dredd. He IS Dredd. This is non-negotiable.
  2. Record an even more electrifying synthesizer score. Also non-negotiable.
  3. Keep the hard R-rating and ultra violence, they're what made the film so memorable and rewatchable.
  4. Maintain the grimy but vibrant visual style (yellows, reds, greens) and make sure it's shot in 3D.
  5. Continue to use the radical super slo-mo camerawork that defined all of the film's incredible action scenes, but still don't overuse it. If it's not relevant to the plot anymore with the Slo-Mo drug, figure out a way to incorporate it sparingly.
These are all part of what both made the film so damn awesome and helped it gain such a cult following in the first place. Here are my basic ideas for a Dredd sequel if it had a sizable budget similar to that of a Marvel movie (~$100-$110M):

  1. PLEASE introduce the Dark Judges!!! While this may stretch the very realistic tone of the first one, it needs to happen. One of the reasons aliens and some of the more peculiar sci-fi elements were not included was because of the budget. If this was to be planned as a trilogy (which it SHOULD be), you could have another villain like Chopper be the main antagonist and briefly introduce the Dark Judges OR turn the 2nd and 3rd films into one two-part epic showdown with Dredd fighting and defeating each judge individually as the story moves along, but have them somehow resurrected for a final balls-to-the-wall battle with Dredd facing all four at once in the finale of the 3rd film. I would also be sure to get top-notch talent to voice them, someone like Jeremy Irons, Frank Welker, or Benedict Cumberbatch.
  2. World-building. The original crafted its world remarkably well, giving it a dark, lived-in feel. Any sequels should try to world-build as much as possible, to both expand the 2,000 AD universe, but to also make the film memorable. The best sci-fi films all do this.
  3. More vehicular mayhem. The opening motorbike-van chase has become one of my favorite car chases in recent memory. It's short but very thrilling, and does everything incredibly well, especially the technical aspects like the editing, camerawork, music and sound design. A sequel should incorporate at least two exciting car and motorbike chases using a variety of vehicles, perhaps a mix of old, bolted-together scrapheaps a la The Road Warrior and shiny, new flying cars or aircraft. Just think of the possibilities...
  4. Speaking of technology, the weapons, gadgets and futuristic technology should be expanded upon significantly. I want more cool weapons and nifty gadgets like the Lawgiver and Stumm gas.

    Just look at how insane the Dark Judges are and tell me they wouldn't make for fantastic villains!


    #5 - Grindhouse 2

    Much like Dredd, this outstanding homage to 70's exploitation films also underperformed, but not enough to label it a bomb. I have to say I was genuinely surprised that it didn't do better. Everything was in place for a huge hit: an amazing ensemble cast, two well-respected directors with their own unique styles, two clever scripts and a unique double feature idea that was well worth the price of a ticket. So what went wrong? Both director's bodies of work speak for themselves, so combining their exceptional talents with one of the best casts ever left me scratching my head originally, but in hindsight I believe it was the movie version of "too much of a good thing." The film runs for 191 minutes (3 hrs, 11 mins), over an hour longer than most genre movies, so that meant less showings per day which hurt its overall box office. The media hype surrounding it certainly didn't help either, and was yet another example of the coveted fanboy community not supporting the stuff they supposedly love. Fanboys are the reason both Firefly and later Serenity failed. They were critically lauded, but no one saw them. The same principle applies here.

    I saw it opening weekend, and it was one of the most enjoyable theatrical experiences I've ever had. The fake trailers so perfectly replicate the style of the films they were homaging that I got goosebumps in the theater and dreamed of them being turned into full length features (which did happen, thankfully). The John Carpenter inspired synthesizer score in Planet Terror sent chills down my spine. The disgustingly gory zombie make-up and effects gave me flashbacks to when I first saw 1985's Day of the Dead. Tarantino's silver-tongued dialogue in Death Proof is among his most quotable work. And that CAR CHASE is one for the ages, man. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, you need to click that link. You can thank me later by watching it on a nice home theater system.