Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Films I've Seen In 2015: #201-300

This is a list of every film I've watched this year, in chronological order. The first 100 were a new personal record (previously 63) and the second 100 was just as fun to watch and analyze, especially Mad Max Fury Road which is going to make its way into my Top 30. Let's keep this Movie-A-Day thing going! On to the next 100! 

#201 - The Purge: Anarchy [2014]

Date Watched: 6/7/15

Rewatched this one and it still holds up. The social commentary might be as subtle as a chainsaw to the face, but it takes the Purge concept and runs with it, building the world and showing people adapting to it, while also delivering the bloodshed and depravity you'd expect in inventive ways.


#202 - Unforgettable [1996]

Date Watched: 6/8/15

Excuse the pun, but this disjointed thriller is quite forgettable. It's an overlong, narratively hollow mystery that doesn't explore its intriguing shared consciousness concept enough. The pacing is laborious, so much so that I actually became restless wondering when something important might happen. Ray Liotta looks like a deer in headlights most of the time and Linda Florentino just doesn't make for a convincing scientist. I didn't buy her as a coroner in Men In Black either. The supporting cast is better, but they're all stereotypical 90's characters: the disgruntled cop, the despicably evil bad guy, etc. The movie is also mean-spirited, like director John Dahl was pissed off when he made it and his anger is bleeding through. It all makes for an unbalanced mess of a movie.

Rating: 4/10

#203 - Lake Mungo [2014]

Date Watched: 6/9/15

Eerie found footage "documentary" that slowly seeps under your skin. It's intelligent and doesn't pander to the audience by spoon-feeding them everything, which is always a plus.

Rating: 6.5/10

#204 - Killers [2014]

Date Watched: 6/10/15

Like a car wreck, this film is brutal and sadistic but you cannot look away. It has some social commentary on our obsession with filming things as bystanders instead of acting. Interestingly, this has FOUR of the actors from The Raid 2 which also takes place in Jakarta. I guess the acting pool there is pretty shallow.

Rating: 7/10

#205 - Jurassic World [2015]

Date Watched: 6/11/15

I've always been a huge fan of Jurassic Park. The first film is #3 in my Top 5 and remains a classic of the genre. The makers of Jurassic World clearly love it as well, delivering a fun monster movie with dino carnage as promised. It serves as a direct continuation of the original instead of a retread as I feared, taking John Hammond's ideas and running wild with them. The cast is surprisingly good, the effects are decent and it is actually scary at times, something the other JP sequels failed to reproduce. It's also full of references to the original, both subtle and obvious. It expands the JP universe by giving us a fully functional park with a variety of dinosaurs both new and old, plus some genetically engineered ones. It reminds me of the Jurassic Park toy line called Chaos Effect where all the dinosaurs were hybrids. It's pretty nifty stuff.

The Cameron-esque feet shots, the long panoramic framing and great shot composition speak to director Colin Trevorrow's budding abilities. If he is going to direct Star Wars Episode IX, color me intrigued. The visuals are very slick and polished. Owen's man shack is awesome, complete with fishing pier, canoe and makeshift bungalow. The film is sneakily gory, which I applaud because it helps make the dinosaurs scary again.

Rating: 8/10

#206 - Repo! The Genetic Opera [2008]

Date Watched: 6/12/15

As close to a modern day Rocky Horror as we're gonna get. It does have shortcomings, mostly in the script department, but it succeeds at what it's trying to accomplish. The quirkiness of the characters and grotesque nature of the subject matter make it stand out, while the cast tries admirably even though some of them clearly aren't singers.

Rating: 7/10

#207 - Stardust [2007]

Date Watched: 6/13/15

A delightful fantasy adventure that savvily builds its world of witches and magic. The cast is excellent from top to bottom. Charlie Cox makes for a charming lead and has superb chemistry with Claire Danes, who I've never liked but she is wonderful here. Michelle Pfeiffer is at her best playing villainous roles like this and Robert De Niro is convincing as a gay airship pirate. The story is about as epic as they come, familiar but different enough to be interesting. On top of that, Matthew Vaughn's solid direction continues to prove he is the real deal.

Rating: 8/10

#208 - Jurassic Park III [2001]

Date Watched: 6/14/15

Campy but fun adventure that builds the world and introduces some new dinos. The Spinosaurus is badass, though I highly doubt he'd win against the Tyrannosaurus Rex. We get to see some Ankylosaurs and Hadrosaurs for a bit, and the introduction of the Pteranodons is a breath of fresh air. The cast is a mixed bag. Having bumbling tourists played by William H. Macy and a wheezing Tea Leoni definitely lowers the cool factor, but they don't ruin things too much.

Rating: 7/10

#209 - Poltergeist [2015]

Date Watched: 6/15/15

A limp, lifeless remake that pales in every way to Tobe Hooper's original. Other than Sam Rockwell, the entire cast is one dimensional and phones in their performances. There's not an ounce of creativity to be found as it recycles many parts of the original with minor twists that somehow make them less scary. Additionally, technology has been integrated into the plot, and makes things even more boring. The TV gag is identical, but seems sillier given the thin width of a flat screen TV. Cell phone go wonky and they even get to wear GPS trackers and use a flying drone to explore the spectral plane while the audience gets to stare at computer screens...real exciting. At least do something cool with it. All the ghosts are CGI and look like they belong in a video game. What a pointless remake. Just watch the original instead.

Rating: 3/10

#210 - Wild Hogs [2007]

Date Watched: 6/15/15

This light-hearted biker comedy is WAY funnier than it has any right to be thanks to the likable cast. It also has a pretty rad classic rock soundtrack.

Rating: 7.5/10

#211 - Goodfellas [1990]

Date Watched: 6/15/15

Scorsese's mobster classic ages like a fine wine. He brings together everything so effortlessly, crafting a captivating, decades-spanning crime epic. This is career best work for almost everyone involved, including Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci. Paired with De Niro, they maintain the perfect balance of bravado and violence. The soundtrack is stupendous, complementing the changing time periods perfectly whether its 60's jazz or 70's rock.

This film is a masterpiece and easily deserves its spot in my Top 10.

Rating: 10/10

#212 - Danny Collins [2015]

Date Watched: 6/16/15

Dramas like this are a dime a dozen, but Pacino and the John Lennon soundtrack drew me in. The movie is average in every way and I'll probably never watch it again, but for two hours I enjoyed Pacino as Danny Collins, an aging singer who is coasting on fame and greatest hits, but is empty inside. As you can imagine, he must fill this hole with family who he, surprise, surprise, has neglected for most of his life. It's all melodramatic, but Pacino is earnest. It does subvert a few of the more annoying cliches that pop up in stories like these, but it also falls victim to one of the cheapest in the book so it evens out I guess. Wait for cable.

Rating: 5.5/10

#213 - Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo [1999]

Date Watched: 6/17/15

This is nostalgia-central for me, as I used to watch this all the time with Karen. I was worried it might not hold up but surprisingly, it does. The humor is immature and crude, but still very funny and not as obnoxious as most of Adam Sandler's movies since 2002. It's highly quotable and the cast is solid, from Schneider who is dorkily endearing all the way to Oded Fehr as the main gigolo. Eddie Griffin and William Forsythe round out the ensemble as Deuce's he-pimp (or male madam, as he terms it) and the dick-size-obsessed cop chasing him. I do question the R-rating, as things are tame compared to some of today's raunchy comedies. It may be my nostalgia clouding my judgment, but this is a damn funny movie worth a watch.

Rating: 7/10

#214 - Blackhat [2015]

Date Watched: 6/18/15

Nowhere near as bad as the reviews say. Chris Hemsworth is NOT unrealistic as a hacker, the action is nerve-wrackingly intense and the visuals are fine though they're far from Michael Mann's best. Also like him as of late, it runs too long at 133 minutes, with a handful of scenes included or extended for dubious reasons, mostly stuffy bureaucratic bullcrap and our heroes trying to figure out the evil hacker's master plan. There are multiple red herrings which slow things down when they should've been resolved more efficiently. If he could've trimmed it down to 120 minutes, I think the pacing would've worked much shouda, coulda, woulda. I was also surprised at how violent it got near the end with Hemsworth taking down a baddie Raid 2 style with an improvised screwdriver blade. Worth a rental if you are a fan of Michael Mann or cyberthrillers.

Rating: 6.5/10

#215 - Predator 2 [1990]

Date Watched: 6/20/15

Despite the widespread hatred of this flick, I've always loved Predator 2 because it does what good sci-fi films do: it expands the universe, introduces new technology and weapons and switches up the setting. The stuff on the Predator spacecraft at the end is phenomenal and gave birth to the Alien vs. Predator idea thanks to an incredible shot of a Predator trophy case filled with the skulls of all sorts of alien beasts from throughout the universe, including the Xenomorph.

Danny Glover obviously can't compete with Schwarzenegger, but he holds his own, Murtaugh-style. He definitely ain't too old for this shit! It's cool to have Bill Paxton on board as a young cop and he is the only actor to have faced both a Predator and an Alien. And once Gary Busey shows up as a shadowy alien hunter, all bets are off.

The underrated Stephen Hopkins takes over directing duties from the inimitable John McTiernan and handles the material very well. The action is exciting and L.A. makes for an imposing concrete jungle for the Predator to hunt. I think it's trying to say something about gang violence, but in reality they're all evisceratable fodder. The Predator has some nifty new toys including a telescoping double-sided spear, an acid netgun and a dagger launcher. I love this stuff (and had all the action figures too) and it elevates the movie.

Rating: 8.5/10

#216 - Stand By Me [1986]

Date Watched: 6/21/15

One of the best coming of age stories, with an outstanding young cast. It has many parallels to Lord of the Flies and (to me) feels like an adolescent version of Deliverance, minus the squealing like a pig. Four boys on an adventure where they are forced to become men all-the-while forming an unbreakable bond they'd never forget. I'm sure this will appeal to guys way more then girls, as it's inherently a guy movie. Stephen King always knows how to write the best young male characters.

Great direction and cinematography by Rob Reiner and Thomas Del Ruth, respectively. Del Ruth has done fine work in the past with Motel Hell, The Breakfast Club and The Running Man and continues his strong work here by skillfully capturing the freeing, primal nature of the forest. This film is Aces!

Rating 9/10

#217 - Inside Out [2015]

Date Watched: 6/22/15

Pixar rarely stumbles, though people do seem to hate on the two Cars films for some reason, I'm not sure why. They are directly influenced by the old cartoons One Cab's Family and Little Johnny Jet, which I was very familiar with growing up. But that's a story for another day.

Inside Out is yet another sterling addition to their impressive catalogue; a smartly concocted concept that maturely deals with deep, emotional stuff like depression and other heavy subject matter, brought to life with Pixar's vibrant visuals make Inside Out required viewing for kids but especially adults. We let the stresses of life get to us sometimes and to have an animated feature spell out how damaging it can be is quietly introspective and strangely comforting.

The voice actors, including Amy Poehler, Bill Hader and Lewis Black as some of the different emotions, do a fantastic job as usual as Pixar has a knack for finding the voice perfectly suited for the character. They all have a unique look with Fear being lanky and manic, while Anger is short and cantankerous. The human story, portrayed from a god-like perspective, resonates well as we've all experienced these base emotions.

I really enjoyed how some of the more advanced psychological concepts like abstract thought and existentialism were dealt with and how they showed memories being stored in our consciousness like an enormous library that is constantly changing, much like my film collection. This creativity is what separates Pixar from the rest of the pack. Highly recommended!

Rating: 8.5/10

#218 - We Are What We Are [2013]

Date Watched: 6/22/15

Disturbing on multiple levels, with just the right mixture of cerebral twists and shocking gore that combine to produce a retro-feeling horror film that deliberately takes its time with ever-mounting tension. The cast is damn good, from the lead girls down to Michael Parks as a persistent doctor. The cultish vibe it exudes is palpable, as you can feel the pressure these kids must face at the hands of their fanatical father. The big twist, which was ruined by a synopsis I read, still had impact even though I knew it was coming. I may have been able to appreciate it more because of it so no harm, no foul.

Rating: 7.5/10

#219 - The Dead Lands [2014]

Date Watched: 6/23/15

The Māori version of Apocalypto. There aren't exactly a lot of these kinds of tribal warrior tales, so the comparison is inevitable. It's not as engaging or polished, but its themes of honor and redemption are dealt with in a very similar way. Plus it utilizes an intriguing plot device where the warriors can talk to their late ancestors within a glowing green dreamscape after ingesting magic mushrooms. The fight scenes are brutal and bloody, but not nearly as savage as I was expecting. A lot of patu bludgeonings and some slicing & impaling with a variety of other Māori weapons, but nothing I would consider gore, just bloodshed. I dug the score, which had a few gnarly synth parts that should've been used more during the fights.

Rating: 6.5/10

#220 - The Gunman [2015]

Date Watched: 6/24/15

Aight. Too long with sections that get bogged down in their own preachiness. Raw violence and a brooding atmosphere.

Rating: 5/10

#221 - Blade Runner [1982]

Date Watched: 6/24/15 (Senator screening of The Final Cut)

Ridley Scott's second sci-fi masterpiece is a gloomy rumination on what it means to be human.

Rating: 9/10

#222 - High Fidelity [2000]

Date Watched: 6/25/15

I love movies centered around music. Almost Famous, Empire Records, Singles...all modern classic where music is a central element that propels the drama. High Fidelity is a superb addition to this subgenre thanks to a witty script, a killer soundtrack and another winsome performance from John Cusack.

Rating: 8.5/10


#223 - Ted 2 [2015]

Date Watched: 6/26/15

About even with its predecessor. It's still too long and overindulgent, but many of the jokes hit thanks to a number of ridiculous but hilarious scenarios.

Rating: 6.5/10

#224 - Here Comes The Devil [2012]

Date Watched: 6/26/15

Horrifying, like a fever dream.

Rating: 8/10

#225 - The Town That Dreaded Sundown [2014]

Date Watched: 6/26/15

An excellent modern remake, stylishly done and gory as hell. A surprise.

Rating: 9/10

#226 - The Campaign [2012]

Date Watched: 6/27/15

A gut-busting satirical comedy and one of Will Farrell's best along with The Other Guys and Anchorman.

Rating: 9/10

#227 - Rush [1991]

Date Watched: 6/27/15

A stylish cop drama that echoes Serpico, where the characters get in so deep that they become someone else. Both leads are surprisingly good and its depiction of drug use is uncomfortably real. The only feature film from Lili Fini Zanuck, she shows great promise with a number of creative long takes and many beautifully framed shots of the Texas landscape. The drama is convincing thanks to Jason Patric and Jennifer Jason Leigh's solid chemistry. I've never been a fan of JJL, but her she's much better than usual. I (and I assume many others) associate her with Fast Times At Ridgemont High as a teen ditz.

Rating: 7/10

#228 - Your Highness [2011]

Date Watched: 6/28/15

I love this flick. Granted a stoner comedy set in the fantasy realm is a niche market to begin with, it was marketed all wrong. The comedy is like most of McBride's and Franco's recent works like Pineapple Express or The Interview; lots of quotable dick and balls jokes, pot humor and gory shenanigans, but set in Middle Earth. This fantasy aspect is my favorite part of the movie. It fully embraces its setting, going all out with castles, lush forests, magical beasts and badass sword fights galore. It doesn't half ass things. There's an incredible carriage chase featuring some damn impressive stunts and exciting action, all pulled off with practical effects. The music by Steve Jablonsky deserves special mention as it captures the mythical vibe of 80's classics like Labyrinth. This flick isn't for everyone, but I enjoy the hell out of it.

Rating: 7.5/10

#229 - Dagon [2001]

Date Watched: 6/29/15

An atmospheric, gory Lovecraftian tale from who else, Stuart Gordon. Mr. Gordon has adapted a number of Lovecraft's works into films, including Re-Animator and From Beyond, and while Dagon isn't exactly up to par with those two, it's still worth a watch for the weirdness. A group of people end up on a small fishing island after their boat runs aground and encounter its inhabitants - half-mutated monstrosities who skin people and worship Cthulhu. It plays with themes of belief and the power of religion which puts it above your typical horror flick. It's far from perfect, as the small budget results in some horrendous PS1-looking CGI and the some of the acting is laughable. Overall though, if you like H.P. Lovecraft at all this is required viewing.

Rating: 7/10

#230 - Terminator Genisys [2015]

Date Watched: 6/30/15

Anyone who knows me knows my favorite movie is Terminator 2. As far as I'm concerned, the first two films are untouchable. What James Cameron was able to accomplish with them, both technically and dramatically, is quite impressive. They are the perfect blend of style and substance. But there's a reason Cameron never made anymore sequels. Cameron ended T2 in an emotional and efficient way where the story was complete. There was nowhere else to take the story of Sarah & John Connor. Hollywood had other ideas.

I'll admit, it has been fun watching other directors taking a stab at the Terminator universe. When I heard they were bringing back the Terminator franchise in 2001, I was geeking out hardcore. I'd get to see Arnold blowing shit up all over again. I went to see T3 with my grandma on opening day (July 2nd, 2003) and as an action movie, I loved it. Then Terminator Salvation came along, which at least tried to mix things up a bit with some new characters and a post-Judgment Day setting. Take out John Connor, and I dig TS as its own standalone movie. It was planned as the first of a new trilogy that never materialized, which brings us to the present.

I thought this might happen and I braced myself for it.
Horrible acting from Jai Courtney and Emilia Clarke
Having Reese be a main character was dumb
Clarke makes Sarah a damsel in distress which shits on the character
Action is mind numbing CGI except for the bus flip
Started off promising then takes a nose dive
A number of pointless scenes where they get arrested
The Genisys gimmick is hokey. No way they could pull it off
Arnold is the best part, he's the only character with an arc
Sloppy direction
Bland visuals

Rating: 4.5/10

#231 - The Pact [2012]

Date Watched: 7/3/15

Slow but effective haunted house murder mystery. The actors do a good job, as the lead is convincing but not helpless. All the women are strong.

Rating: 6.5/10

#232 - Forrest Gump [1994]

Date Watched: 7/4/15

Instead of watching fireworks because I was sick, we decided to watch Forrest Gump because  my wife had never seen it and it's one of my and my mom's favorite movies.

It is so many movies in one: a drama, a comedy, a romance, a historical movie, a war movie, a feel-good movie, a coming-of-age story, a sports movie...the list goes on. This is the reason it appeals to so many people. It has something for everyone.

Tom Hanks is outstanding as Forrest Gump. The character feels organic and never becomes too sentimental or hokey. Robin Wright is perfect as Jenny, the epitome of a woman who ventured down the wrong path. Gary Sinise is excellent as Lt. Dan and Sally Field is comforting as Forrest's mom.

The soundtrack is one of the best of any film, ever. The Doors, Hendrix, Bob Dylan, CCR, Buffalo Springfield, Skynyrd...the list goes on. It got me into classic rock thanks to CCR's "Fortunate Son".

Rating: 10/10

#233 - The Terminator [1984]

Date Watched: 7/5/15

One of the best. A lean, mean sci-fi film with a wild concept executed to perfection. James Cameron took what he learned while working on Roger Corman's Galaxy of Terror and Battle Beyond The Stars and used it to create this amazing film based on a feverish nightmare he had about a metallic torso dragging itself from an explosion while holding kitchen knives. It's inspiring and a testament to ingenuity.

The cast is excellent. Cameron always has a knack for finding the perfect actor for the roles he writes. Schwarzenegger is perfect as the Terminator with his imposing build and monotone voice. Michael Biehn plays a future soldier effortlessly...I really wish he would've had a more esteemed career but it never materialized. Glad Robert Rodriguez recognized the skill. Linda Hamilton, who I've never really liked outside of the Terminator films, is solid as Sarah. She's innocent but not weak and her arc is believable. Paul Winfield & Lance Henriksen as police detectives and Earl Boen as a patronizing psychologist round out the docket.

The effects and action are extremely impressive considering the budget. Cameron and Stan Winston were able to come up with so many inventive ways to do things, utilizing the less is more approach, while still devoting much of the budget to the effects and stunts. The design of the T-800 is terrifying and has become rightfully iconic. It has the gloriously dreadful atmosphere of a 70's film, only it's set in the 80's. Combined with the techno-synth score, it has a one of a kind look and feel that I can't get enough of.

Rating: 10/10

#234 - Superman Returns [2006]

Date Watched: 7/6/15

For some reason, Superman Returns gets shit upon. Most of the complaints say it's boring, it's too long, or it's too much like Richard Donner's classic original. While these things may be true, they don't detract from it being a good standalone Superman movie. What do people want? More action? Just look at the lackluster reception to 2013's Man of Steel. Audiences are fickle bitches. At least it isn't painfully unfunny like Superman III or a shoddily put together mess like Superman IV.

The bottom line is this is a traditional Superman film that has the character doing what he's always done: save people while wearing tights. Brandon Routh is a dead ringer for Christopher Reeve and does a fine job as Clark Kent. Having Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor is awesome and Spacey has some deliciously villainous moments, but I still prefer Gene Hackman. Kate Bosworth is a definite downgrade as Lois Lane...she's just not a good actress. Good to have Frank Langella as Perry White, you can't lose there. And then there's Parker fucking Posey. I hate her. She is a terrible actress, her voice is grating and she's fugly. She weakens the movie because her character is completely pointless.

The action and effects are excellent, though they're visually sterile like much of director Bryan Singer's other films. The guy has trouble making the action exciting. The use of John Williams iconic score is commendable and gives it the classic Supes feel. Thematically, it just doesn't do enough with the characters and the lengthy runtime to label it a great movie.

Rating: 6.5/10

#235 - Jaws 2 [1978]

Date Watched: 7/7/15

Unnecessary sequel that's uneven but still affords a few cool scenes, including Jaws attacking a sea helicopter. Great to have Roy Scheider back (he must've had some debts to pay off) but without Spielberg, things just aren't the same. Even if Spielberg did come back, I don't think any sequel could ever live up to the original. That film is lightning in a bottle.

Rating: 6/10

#236 - Jaws 3-D [1983]

Date Watched: 7/7/15

Poorly written and shot, this movie is a mess. The ridiculous storyline and annoying characters make it hard to watch with a straight face, and even then it doesn't fall into "so bad it's good" territory.

Rating: 3.5/10

#237 - Spy [2015]

Date Watched: 7/8/15

By the numbers with a few laugh-out-loud parts. Most of the jokes make fun of Melissa McCarthy's appearance or weight, which becomes tiresome quickly. I was expecting more spy cliche jokes. The bright spot is Jason Statham, who hilariously lampoons his own indestructible action hero roles. With a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes, this was underwhelming.

Rating: 6.5/10

#238 - Brick Mansions [2015]

Date Watched: 7/9/15

Pointless remake hampered by schizophrenic editing and poor acting. Some of the action is fun, but the action in the original is still superior. Just watch that instead.

Rating: 5/10

#239 -  Evolution [2001]

Date Watched: 7/10/15

Still funny and original. Excellent effects and the cast has good chemistry.

Rating: 7.5/10

#240 - Watchmen [2009]

Date Watched: 7/11/15

A faithful adaptation with a solid cast and beautiful visuals

Rating: 8.5/10

#241 - The Station Agent [2003]

Date Watched: 7/13/15

Quirky indie flick filled with great characters and earthy New Jersey scenery.

Rating: 7.5/10

#242 - Suicide Kings [1997]

Date Watched: 7/14/15

Unlikable leads and an unbalanced narrative really hurt this one. Walken is good, but even he seems bored. The character of Ira is grating, so much so you wish he'd get shot in the face.

Rating: 5.5/10

#243 - Any Given Sunday [1999]

Date Watched: 7/15/15

In the lull before the football season starts, I gave this a watch to satiate myself. It's an excellent look at the sport of football as a whole from nearly every perspective. It deals with dramatic players, conflicted coaches, meddling management, sports writers and everything in between. While I'm not a fan of the hyperactive editing, this is still probably Stone's best film from the 90's.

Rating: 7.5/10

#244 - WarGames [1983]

Date Watched: 7/16/15

Technologically dated but somehow currently relevant, it shows the dangers of A.I. one year before The Terminator (though that did it better).

Rating: 7/10

#245 - Alive [1993]

Date Watched: 7/16/15

Harrowing and emotional with religious overtones. A little long.

Rating: 7.5/10

#246 - Death Wish [1974]

Date Watched: 7/17/15

The early 70's were a scary place. Crime was rampant and nobody felt safe. Enter Dirty Harry in 1971, a cop who shot first and asked questions later. Three years later, we got one of the best imitators in Death Wish. Charles Bronson makes the movie what it is. His wife and daughter are brutally assaulted and he becomes a vigilante who kills muggers and other criminals, like a 1970's Robin Hood. As gruesome as the subject matter is, it's immensely satisfying to watch Bronson slay these scumbags.

Rating: 8.5/10

#247 - Ant-Man [2015]

Date Watched: 7/18/15

A Marvel heist film that doesn't take itself too seriously. The cast is solid, the science is fun and the humor is front and center. Ant-Man's shrinking ability brings a lot of cool scenarios to the story.

Rating: 7.5/10

#248 - Hercules [1997]

Date Watched: 7/19/15

One of my favorite Disney movies full of beautiful animation and sarcastic humor. James Woods is outstanding as Hades, playing him like a used car salesman which shouldn't work but totally does. He has some of the best lines in the movie and lots of hilariously quotable quips. I learned a lot about Greek Mythology from this movie.

Rating: 8.5/10

#249 - St. Vincent [2014]
Date Watched: 7/21/15
Bill Murray's cantankerous old curmudgeon steals the show. Melissa McCarthy is subdued and believable as a stressed out single mom. The kid is good too, not awkward or stiff. A solid redemption storyline and decent soundtrack.

Rating: 8/10

#250 - Air Force One [1997]

Date Watched: 7/25/15

There are few modern directors better at staging suspense than Wolfgang Petersen. Air Force One is arguably his best film along with Das Boot. Harrison Ford makes a fabulous on-screen president who is badass but also intelligent. Gary Oldman is at his best playing bad guys and he creates another great one here. The action is exciting and the effects still look good. Highly recommended to action fans.

Rating: 8.5/10

#251 - Mission Impossible III [2006]

Date Watched: 7/26/15

Arguably the best of the franchise. J.J. Abrams combines the espionage and intrigue of the 1st film with the insane action from the 2nd to create a balanced spy thriller. Philip Seymour Hoffman is a devious, calculating villain and the stunts are awesome as expected. This is also Hunt's best IMF team with Ving Rhames returning and Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Maggie Q joining the fun.

Rating: 8/10

#252 - Benny & Joon [1993]

Date Watched: 7/27/15
Quirky, natural performance from Johnny Depp. The performances are what make the film work all around even with the overly formulaic storyline. It hasn't aged well but if you can handle an odd, dated rom/com, it's worth a look.

Rating: 6/10

#253 - Shaun of the Dead [2004]

Date Watched: 7/28/15

A perfect zombie movie that respectfully lampoons the genre while simultaneously being one of its finest entries. This brought Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright to American audiences. Both Pegg and Frost are superb, the script and dialogue is clever and full of pop culture references. Can't recommend this one enough!

Rating: 10/10

#254 - Wet Hot American Summer [2001]

Date Watched: 7/29/15

A quirky cult classic. It's really hard to describe the appeal of this oddball film which features a lot of black humor and surreal situations. The cast is packed with future stars including Bradley Cooper, Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks. The soundtrack is stellar too, with Jefferson Starship's "Jane" opening the film.

Rating: 7.5/10

#255 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day [1991]

Date Watched: 7/29/15

Every time I watch T2, it just reinforces why it's my favorite film. Just watch it.

Rating: 10/10

#256 - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines [2003]

Date Watched: 7/29/15

The first two Terminator films are untouchable classics. James Cameron closed the story so efficiently in T2 that no further sequels were necessary. But they made buttloads of money so of course Hollywood would make more.  Now Cameron had little to no involvement with any of the sequels so without him behind the script, the storylines tend to get a little tangled and make it hard to tell a fresh one with the characters we've come to love.

Rise of the Machines is basically T2 just in a less impressive package. Arnold's good Terminator versus another shapeshifting bad Terminator, only this time it's FEMALE. This is screenwriting 101 and doesn't really do much except allow us to see a hot naked Terminator get pummeled by Arnold. She is not meancing like Robert Patrick's T-1000 and her acting is robotic in a bad way. Saving this character is her other abilities. She can generate a number of complex weapons that the T-1000 couldn't, such as flamethrowers, pulse rifles and buzzsaws. She can also hack into and control other machines, something that's used to great effect in an exhilarating vehicle chase involving a mobile crane and a quartet of emergency vehicles. They attempt to mix things up by bringing in a love interest for John Connor which is a fine idea, but Nick Stahl and Claire Danes don't really have a lot of chemistry.

The action in this flick is worth the price of admission. In addition to the rip-roaring crane chase (the highlight of the film), we get number of other fun action scenes such as the cemetery shootout but nothing that tops the aforementioned crane chase or anything from Cameron's films. I've also noticed that around this time, action and sci-fi films developed a trend of featuring their best action scene in the middle of the movie instead of the finale, thereby underwhelming and not giving the film a proper balance. The other main offender, The Matrix Reloaded and its 14 minute freeway chase, came out the same year. The CGI is pretty good but very noticeable in a few places.

A lot of people have a problem with the film's tone. It clashes with its predecessor's bleaker outlook by going for comedy much more. I honestly don't find it particularly annoying, save for the male stripper scene in the beginning. Lastly, I applaud the film for actually starting Judgment Day, which was the next logical progression of the series, allowing them to set a Part 4 completely in the future where the machines rule.

In short, if you can get past the sillier aspects, T3 is an action-packed popcorn movie worth checking out.

Rating: 7/10

#257 - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation [2015]

Date Watched: 7/30/15

While action-packed and well-cast, MI5 has too many ridiculous plot twists and script issues to truly wow. Having Ethan Hunt track down the Syndicate, a SPECTRE-like organization, should make this the most epic entry yet, but it ends up feeling disjointed. My main problem is Ilsa Faust, a disavowed British agent who is Hunt's ally one minute and his betrayer the next, only to become his ally again and then betray him once more. There's only so many times this can happen before it becomes laughable. The story gets bogged down in agency politics and double crosses, to the point where things become so muddled they need expository/explanatory dialogue to sift through it. Additionally, many events that occur are portrayed as part of the villain's meticulous master plan, but there are too many factors, too many things that could go wrong, for these to be remotely plausible. It strains and sometimes breaks the suspension of disbelief. There's no way, even in a movie called Mission: Impossible.

On the plus side, the action is sizzling particularly a gnarly motorcycle chase through the streets and hills of Morocco. Cruise effortlessly slides into Hunt's shoes and gleefully performs most of his stunts which is cool no matter how many times we've seen it. Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames provide the comic companionship we've come to love. Jeremy Renner is wasted and Rebecca Fergeson is aight.

Rating: 7.5/10

#258 - The Day The Earth Stood Still [1951]

Date Watched: 7/30/15

A sci-fi classic that addresses humanity's affinity for destruction.

Rating: 9/10

#259 - Death Proof [2007]

Date Watched: 8/1/15

One of Tarantino's best. Extremely quotable and an amazing soundtrack. Plus Kurt Russell back to being a badass.

Rating: 9.5/10

#260 - Analyze This [1999]

Date Watched: 8/1/15

Mob comedies are a strange genre, but they somehow work and Analyze This is one of the better ones thanks to Robert De Niro's and Billy Crystal's chemistry. Their banter is what makes the film work. "You. Yooouuuuuuu!"

Rating: 8/10

#261 - Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau [2014]

Date Watched: 8/2/15

Fascinating documentary about the 1996 film adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau. It shows how ruthless and manipulative Hollywood is and just how hard it is to make a movie.

Rating: 7.5/10

#262 - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind [2002]

Date Watched: 8/3/15

Clooney's directorial debut is a weird and wonderful amalgam of comedy, film noir and character study set through three decades. Sam Rockwell is outstanding, the shots and cinematography harken back to 70's style cinema, and the unorthodox storytelling is a breath of fresh air.

Rating: 8/10

#263 - The Fly [1958]

Date Watched: 8/4/15

Though it should be campy, The Fly maintains a serious mood resulting in an excellent 50's sci-fi film.

Rating: 8/10

#264 - Bruce Almighty [2003]

Date Watched: 8/5/15

Jim Carrey's last good movie. His manic energy combined with God's powers is comedy gold. He uses them to his advantage (like we all would...don't lie) to get promoted, improve his life and make his girlfriend's boobs bigger. It's all in good fun and it delivers a simple message that we all have to power to help ourselves instead of just praying and waiting.

Rating: 8/10

#265 - Chinatown [1974]

Date Watched: 8/6/15

Polanski's noir classic is an engrossing portrait of corruption and betrayal. Nicholson is perfect as sarcastic, oft-punched PI Jake Gittes. He is nothing if not persistent. The subject matter, a water war in California, should be boring but Polanski keeps it interesting throughout, before gut-punching us at the end.

Rating: 9.5/10

#266 - Lavalantula [2015]

Date Watched: 8/7/15

Fire spiders. Need I say more? This schlocky B-movie from SyFy would make Roger Corman proud. Steve Guttenberg plays a washed up action hero who helps save the day with help from Hamm from The Sandlot. The CGI effects range from good to awful, but it doesn't matter as this is good old fashioned cheese.

Rating: 6/10 (for what it is)

#267 - Back To The Future [1985]

Date Watched: 8/7/15

No further need to explain this brilliant time travel classic.

Rating: 10/10

#268 - Explorers [1983]

Date Watched: 8/8/15

A sci-fi film aimed at kids, similar in tone to but not as good as The Goonies. The build-up is excellent and generates a sense of child-like wonder, but the ending is a little too goofy for my taste, which knocks it down a peg. Cool score by Jerry Goldsmith too.

Rating: 7/10


#269 - Twins [1988]

Date Watched: 8/9/15

Arnold's first foray into comedy works because of his naive performance and the chemistry he has with Danny DeVito and Kelly Preston (who is SOOOO sexy in this film). Your mileage may vary depending on your tolerance for Schwarzenegger singing "Yakkity Yak".

Rating: 6.5/10

#270 - My Bloody Valentine [1981]

Date Watched: 8/10/15

Another early slasher that takes a supposedly happy holiday and splashes some blood on it. It is surprisingly similar to Halloween, though there's a lot more bloodshed shown here.

Rating: 7/10

#271 - Wyrmwood [2015]

Date Watched: 8/11/15

I think I slightly overrated this one on the first go-round. I still enjoyed the hell out of it though. It really makes the most of its premise and has a lot of creative ideas that breath life into the flat-lining zombie subgenre.

Rating: 9/10

#272 - This Is Spinal Tap [1984]

Date Watched: 8/11/15

Mockumentaries are a strange concept, yet they can be applied to almost any genre to great effect. This Is Spinal Tap is arguably the first and best, following a fictional metal band and their wacky adventures. It lampoons the excessive rock star image and lifestyle so damn well, anchored by its three lead performances. The band later became real and played shows, which makes the movie feel more authentic than it has any right ti be. Credit the underrated Rob Reiner and his skills.

Rating: 9/10


#273 - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm [1993]

Date Watched: 8/12/15

Batman always gets the best treatment in animated form. Between this and Return of the Joker, we are treated to some of Batman's most intense and interesting stories.

Rating: 8/10

#274 - Maverick [1994]

Date Watched: 8/13/15

Light-hearted romp that coasts on Gibson's charisma. Good directing by Donner.

Rating: 7/10

#275 - Tropic Thunder [2008]

Date Watched: 8/14/15

Hilarious spoof of the movie industry and Ben Stiller's best film in quite some time. Bonus points for fat, vulgar Tom Cruise as studio head Les Grossman.

Rating: 9/10

#276 - Wayne's World [1992]

Date Watched: 8/15/15

One of the best SNL adaptations. Great cast, funny script and killer soundtrack. SCHWING!

Rating: 9/10

#277 - Ghostbusters [1984]

Date Watched: 8/16/15

A timeless classic that remains funny no matter how many times I watch it. The cast is perfect, the story is unique, the script is clever and the effects are ghoulishly charming.

Rating: 10/10

#278 - White Men Can't Jump [1992]

Date Watched: 8/17/15

High energy and funny, with superb performances from Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson as basketball hustlers.

Rating: 8.5/10

#279 - The Muppets Take Manhattan [1984]

Date Watched: 8/17/15

A fun Muppet adventure.

Rating: 8/10

#280 - Dirty Mary Crazy Larry [1974]

Date Watched: 8/18/15

A car chase classic starring Peter Fonda with a true 70's ending.

Rating: 6.5/10

#281 - Planes, Trains And Automobiles [1987]

Date Watched: 8/19/15

Another John Hughes classic. Martin and Candy play off each other so well and the Murphy's Law shenanigans that occur are uncomfortably hilarious.

Rating: 8/10

#282 - Sixteen Candles [1984]

Date Watched: 8/20/15

Great cast, natural and realistic script filled with offbeat humor and surprising insightfulness.

Rating: 8.5/10

#283 - Deep Blue Sea [1999]

Date Watched: 8/21/15

Slick, exciting cheesefest from Renny Harlin. It's probably the best killer shark movie outside of Jaws thanks to the diverse cast, creative setpieces and polished production design. I also have a great memory of seeing this in the theater with my parents on a packed night at Eastpoint Movies.

Rating: 8/10

#284 - Sex Tape [2013]

Date Watched: 8/23/15

Silly but occasionally funny rom-com that is all over the place in terms of story and focus. We do finally get to see Cameron Diaz's hot body and Jack Black's cameo is amusing. Don't spend money on it.

Rating: 4.5/10

#285 - Rounders [1998]

Date Watched: 8/24/15

Enthralling poker picture with an excellent cast and a noirish feel. Matt Damon is excellent and the card games are riveting, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Rating: 9/10

#286 - Army of Darkness [1993]

Date Watched: 8/25/15

While definitely no longer a horror movie, AoD is a blast. Nods to many films of the paste, cool setpieces, Raimi's trademark manic camerawork and Bruce Campbell's nutty performance. The battle at the end is outstanding.

Rating: 8/10

#287 - High Plains Drifter [1971]

Date Watched: 8/26/15

Solid Clint Eastwood Western that casts him as much more of an antihero than usual.

Rating: 7/10

#288 - Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King [2003]

Date Watched: 8/27/15

Epic and exciting with some amazing battle sequences (the oliphants & ghost army are the highlight for me). The multiple endings drag but other than that, this is a fantastic conclusion to the trilogy.

Rating: 9/10

#289 - Silent Hill [2006]

Date Watched: 8/31/15

While not the best adaptation, Silent Hill is still a frightening nightmare.

Rating: 8/10

#290 - Mad Max: Fury Road [2015]

Date Watched: 9/2/15

The best movie of the year. Exciting, intense and emotionally resonant.

Rating: 10/10

#291 - The Matrix Reloaded [2003]

Date Watched: 9/5/15

Bloated with ideas but still infinitely watchable. The action, fights and stunts are outstanding, particularly the chateau fight and the freeway chase.

Rating: 7.5/10

#292 - Coming To America [1988]

Date Watched: 9/6/15

Amusing Eddie Murphy vehicle from John Landis.

Rating: 7.5/10

#293 - Titanic [1997]

Date Watched: 9/6/15

Still a damn good movie. For all the flack it gets about the cliche love story, it all works and has a timeless feel for me because when it came out, it was a phenomenon. DiCaprio is endearing and Billy Zane is slimy.

Rating: 8.5/10

#294 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest [2006]

Date Watched: 9/7/15

Like The Matrix Reloaded, this film is bloated but fun to watch. Davy Jones is a wild villain and the production design is superb. There are too many characters that drag the plot down though.

Rating: 6/10

#295 - Die Another Day [2002]

Date Watched: 9/8/15

The last Bond before the gritty reboot, this is cheesy but tons of fun. The action is exciting, but Halle Berry is terrible and the CGI is awful.

Rating: 6.5/10

#296 - Lord of War [2005]

Date Watched: 9/9/15

Funny but also thought-provoking, with a great Nic Cage performance.

Rating: 8/10

#297 - Jerry Maguire [1996]

Date Watched: 9/10/15

Another winner from Cameron Crowe thanks to a great cast and interesting storyline.

Rating: 7.5/10

#298 - Necessary Roughness [1991]

Date Watched: 9/11/15

Cliche but occasionally funny.

Rating: 5.5/10

#299 - Child's Play [1988]

Date Watched: 9/12/15

Creepy slasher that gave birth to the iconic horror villain Chucky. The effects are still good.

Rating: 8/10

#300 - The Host [2006]

Date Watched: 9/15/15

A good monster movie. It's unpredictable and subverts a lot of the monster tropes we've come to expect It's scary at times, but also prone to the sudden tonal shifts director Bong Joon-ho is known for. The special effects are very good for 2006.

Rating: 8/10

2014 < 2015 > 2016

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